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Bio-Scalar Resonant Harmonic Key

The Bio-Scalar Resonant Harmonic Key is a powerful tool designed to bring forth connection with the personal Original Blueprint and natural healing abilities by connectiong to the Source Field and activating Bio-Regenesis. The design is attuned to the Doubling Vortex Flux (the Krysthl Spiral) and the 12 Base Code of Creation, thus attuning and amplifying the Bio-Field and Biology of the user as well as amplifying and raising to a higher octave any tools, crystals and the environment. 
The Harmonic Resonance of the Key can assist with clearing of blockages and miasma, transmutaion of traumas, allowing the space for realization of one's potential and bringing forth attunement to purity and the inner truth. 
Repeated wearing of this tool will create a unique synergistic effect that occurs through the combinantion of the Geomancy, the chosen material and the user's unique Bio-Signature.


Our Products

The Starfire Harmonics products are designed to help our customers on their spiritual path towards healing, embodying the Divine Blueprint and aligning with the Personal Highest Destiny Arc of evolution.

All geometries are based on Eternal Mechanics that connect with the Krystal Spiral. The applications of these geometries are numerous, from shielding on different levels, bringing forth cognition, life force, charging specific intentions, clearing the space and personal fields and much more! If you have any questions feel free to contact us. 

No Choice™ x StarFireEternal Spiral EMF Protective Grounding T-shirt

This t-shirt is a collaboration between No Choice™ and StarFire Harmonics. This t-shirt contains pure silver and utilizes technology to protect you from electromagnetic radiation and reconnect you to the Earth’s free flowing electrons. The graphic on the T is the Krysthl Spiral Eternal Tree of Life Kathara grid perfectly aligned with the No Choice™ pattern. The Krysthl Spiral and the mathematical sequence from which it emerges comes directly from the Zero Point or central point of all union. The Krysthl Spiral Doubles and perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before, as it expands through 12 based multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. A key to eternal life and returning back to Your Core Spirit origin.

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