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The Scalar Field

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

The Scalar Field is a container field that the Eternal Life Force moves and animates through. It serves as a template for all consciousness and matter forms. It is composed of Zero Point Nodes, which are stationary points, continuously regenerated by the Eternal Living Primal Essence and Force.
Below is a simplified 2D representation, but in the scalar field there are no empty spaces - there are nodes everywhere.

Scalar Grid

The SahDhi Code

Each node is a SahDhi Code made of 4 spheres. The top sphere is where the Eternal Living Essence comes through and it enters the middle sphere as the Neutral Magnetic Still Point. This is the Mother and child womb space container.

SahDhi Living Light Seed

This is one major difference that we’ve discerned from other teachings where they say that the magnetic is the feminine negative charge and the electric is the masculine positive charge. The magnetic is actually the neutral Zero point and then there are the electrical centrifugal and centripetal polarities which are the two bottom spheres of the SahDhi. There’s a lot more mechanics to be explained here but for now you just need to know that there’s inflow and backflow regeneration of the Eternal Life force that occurs within each Zero Point Node. When the Life Force moves through the SahDhi it phases between the Still Magnetic Point (Sound) and the Electrical Polarities (Light), while also being regenerated through the connection with the Eternal Source Consciousness. The phasing is the ‘flashing on and off’ of the Nodes which also creates all perceived motion.

The Still Magnetic Point holds all information including the phasing programmes, which determine the sequences and frequency of flashing on and off. When you look at the scalar field each node will have its own programme of phasing but they also work together to create linear sequences of flashing, which form geometric structures and patterns called Geomancies. It is important to note that the nodes themselves are not moving but when they are phasing in a linear sequence they create the illusion of movement (shown below). As the phasing gets faster (raising the frequency) the pattern would appear to be solid, then fluid and then it would disappear from your perception. This is how we perceive solid matter and everything around us. Your interaction with reality is the relationship between the phasing of your consciousness at this level, your current body form and the field around you.

Scalar Grid Phasing

The Holographic and Non-Linear Principles

The Eternal Source Consciousness is omnipresent throughout the scalar field. Each Zero Point Node has eternal connection and access to All information which means that the scalar field has Holographic properties. If you cut a little piece of a hologram it will contain the information of the whole. This gives the ability of consciousness/energy/information to "flash off" from one place and "flash on" to another in an instant. It is not bound by linear movement. When down-stepped to our level this is what we call teleportation and is also how remote energy healing and radionic tools work.


These are geometric structures made from the Node phasing sequences. Geomancies are codes which serve as wave guides and manifestation templates for Consciousness within the Standing Wave Field Grid. They are the blueprints of everything in Creation from dimensional fields, galaxies and planets to humans, animals and all other life forms. Everything manifest has an Original Geomancy Blueprint in the Scalar Field.

The Distortions

In Eternal Creation everything is always connected to the Zero Point which means it is Eternally regenerated with Living Life Force. There are Laws of creation that determine the phasing sequences in a way that they are always connected to the Zero Point. When these laws are violated this creates distortions in the phasing sequences and Geomancies and cuts off the Living Life force from entering the template either partially or fully.

This is what we are experiencing at this level right now. There are certain races of beings that have chosen to violate the Eternal Laws which resulted in cutting their templates off so they can’t regenerate anymore. In order to sustain themselves and their reality fields they need to energetically feed off of other living beings and systems that still have connection to the Living Life Force. Many wars have occurred as they’ve been trying to take over our planet and many other systems. There are many advanced technologies built upon reversed finite geometry that they use to do this. Because of this, when we are born and through many lifetimes of reincarnation and the violations that have occurred we have accumulated many distortions in our template and have been progressively blocked from our Original Blueprint. Our reality field and the planet are also being affected and blocked on certain levels so as we come in our template picks up on these distortions as well.

Our power as Creators

Our relationship with the scalar field goes both ways - we are affected by the field around us but we are Creators so we can use our intention and creative energy to affect it and make the changes we want. This is why there has been a huge effort over thousands of years to put us to sleep and forget all of this information and how powerful we are.

When you think a thought you are creating a small geometric phasing sequence in the scalar field. The more you think something the more energy you generate into the sequence and the stronger it becomes so eventually it could manifest in your life. This is how your thoughts affect reality. However, on our planet it is harder to manifest things because of the blockages and distortions. Sometimes we might actually manifest the opposite of what we want because of this.

The distortions are an overlay on the original Eternal Blueprint. By clearing these overlays we can reconnect with the true Scalar Field and our Eternal Geomancy Blueprint. This is where Geomancies can be used in a really powerful way. Using Eternal Geometry can progressively correct and clear the phasing sequences within your template from any distortions, reversals and phaselocks. It can be used to bring forth information, healing, activations, amplify and align intentions and much more.

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