We are developing an EMF protective clothing line. We live in a time where Disharmonious EMR frequency is permeating through our environment and we find it important to have the necessary tools to protect our Body, Mind and Biofields. The silver fabric incorporated has an effective shielding from EMR of 65db at 10mhz-3ghz. This means it can shield from the 5G low wave lengths up to 99% and provide reduction and buffering of higher wavelengths.

What is dB shielding?
'Attenuation is one of the principal indicators for measuring the effectiveness of electromagnetic interference shielding. It refers to the difference between an electromagnetic signal’s intensity before shielding and its intensity after shielding. Attenuation is marked in decibels (dB) that correspond to the ratio between field strength with and without the presence of a protective medium. The decrease in a signal’s intensity, or amplitude, is usually exponential with distance, while the decibel range falls along a logarithmic scale. This means that an attenuation rating of 50 dB indicates a shielding strength ten times that of 40 dB. In general, a shielding range of 10 to 30 dB provides the lowest effective level of shielding, while anything below that range can be considered little or no shielding. Shielding between 60 and 90 dB may be considered a high level of protection, while 90 to 120 dB is exceptional.'
'When EMR hit the surface of a material, EM rays cause the charge in the material to oscillate. This forced oscillation of the charge acts as an antenna and results in reflection, whereas the other part is converted into thermal energy due to the oscillation. This kind of signal loss is known as attenuation due to absorption. Thus, the protective property of the material against EMR is based on the reflection against the conductive surface and the absorption in the conductive volume. Part of the wave is reflected, while the rest is transmitted and weakened as it passes through the medium.' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7962651/
Silver has long been associated with Magic and healing. It holds the characteristic cubic form and energy at the microscopic level, a cubic krystal structure which is why it has a reputation for being cleansing, purifying and a life amplifyer/sustainer able to ward off evil and destroy evil creations (harmonize and or break down disharmonious frequency). If you are wearing silver you are directly working with the Sacred Geometric cube energy which is very protective and grounding. Silver happens to have the highest electrical and thermal conductivity, which gives it the ability to transmit any type of measureable energy.